Dance! - The Road to Heavies: lesson 30. May 30, 2014. So, what is going on?...
My right knee seems to be throwing a fit. I woke up Tuesdaynight with some pain in my right knee. When I tried to turn around, the pain became very, very intense. The next night, I experience the same pain, but it also feels like my whole leg has had the blood supply cut off for a while, as my whole lower-leg is sleeping..
When I practice for about 30 minutes on wednesday night, I don't notice anything.
Again, I forgot about the order of the steps and this starts to annoy me. I don't know why I keep forgetting everything I need to know. When I was still dancing in Haarlem, I didn't have any problem getting my mind to 'save' all the things I needed to know. Maybe it's just down to the fact that this is a larger group, where I have to listen to the explanation of steps under the batter of 4 or 5 pairs of heavy shoes. Then you easily miss something.
The timing...
The steps for my Treble Jig, (heavy shoes) are still hard and the thing that keeps me from remembering them right is down to the timing. When the teacher shows me the moves, it shows that I want to do the 'hops' to quickly, while those are a little bit slower. Even though, the whole move has a high 'sure...' factor to it. There's a distinct rhythm when the teacher shows the steps but when I try to do the same, there is anything but a distinct rhythm.
The steps or move as a whole is far quicker than I expected and seems to make use of the fact that by the time you get to your first dance on heavies, you have gained quite a lot of speed and power with the soft-shoe dances.
A new beginner
Another fun-fact: there is a new beginner with us this week. This way, I feel a little less 'beginner-beginner' and it's 'fun' to see someone else struggle with the same basic moves as I did 3 years ago.
I can't help but interrupt the teacher when she says I started 4 weeks ago. Not to brag about, but to prevent the new student from getting 'intimidated' when she sees what I know after 'only 4 weeks'.
I get a series of steps from the Beginners Slip Jig. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I remember something about that from the classes in the Hague. But as there was hardly anyone who told us which dance we were practicing, I didn't remember the steps as well.