Dance! - The Road to Heavies: lesson 13. February 10, 2012
In my side-step, again the 'flow' is the problem. How I have to pull this one off I don't know, but there is something missing that doesn't make it look like a complete, whole move. The teacher keeps mentioning it, but it doesn't really help.
The teacher shows it time after time, which looks fabuluous ofcourse, allthough the speed is low.
When I have to try this slow, the muscles in my legs are the main problem. I also lose my balance very often. That isn't that strange as a lot of movements in Irish dance give balance to a dancer when they perform that movement up to tempo. This makes practicing those moves slowly very hard sometimes.
I don't like the fact that I don't know if I'm such a slow learner or I just have to get used to things. I lack people to compare myself with and I get the feeling the teacher started dancing very early, and certain things just are easier for him than for me. Ofcourse, he is at a far higher level than I am, I should not forget that.